The “A” Side of the Survivability Map
At first glance, the map above looks absolutely terrifying. I bet you first looked at the place on the map where you live to see if you would be okay. You will either be moving, or many people are going to migrate to live near you. That is a preview of Survivability. Sometimes you just have to “cut and run”. It’s like a knife fight with a bully expect you don’t have a knife. You can’t “cut and run.” You can only “run”
The areas marked with a skull and cross bones will be mostly unlivable by 2099[1]. The areas marked with a smiley face will still be livable by 2099. And the entire “Move here now” state of Alaska is available to be gentrified, er, I mean, settled.
If the “A Side” of the Survivability Map™ isn’t detailed enough for you, take a look at more Detailed “B Side[2] below along with descriptors for each region.
The “B” Side of the Survivability Map™
The Desalinated West Coast – will be habitable as long as desalination plants are built against the objections of environmentalists. Ironic, right?
The Great Western Wasteland – will be vacated as people head to the West End or New Canada, or to the desalinated West Coast. Less fortunate people will migrate to this area from Central and South America hoping for a better life. Trump’s wall will be no match for this group of determined individuals.
New Canada – Canada and the US will create agreements to allow the re-settlement of unoccupied territories in Northern Canada by US Citizens seeking greener pastures, literally. New Canada will become a way station for those waiting for entry into Canada.
The Deserted Desert – This once pristine desert unwisely occupied by humans will become more pristine as humans will migrate west, north or east in search of cooler and wetter climates.
The Dust Bowl – From 1939 – 1949, the semi-arid regions of the Southern US Plaines including Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas were unbearable due to drought, high heat, and dust storms. People hung wet sheets over their doors and windows to block the dust from entering their homes. The Dust Bowl will be back again, except this time it will be much bigger and strike with a vengeance.
The West End – Fresh water from Lake Michigan is channeled into the Mississippi allowing for a verdant, farming community to thrive. People arrive daily on their Eastern migration to St. Louis where they “check-in” and receive directions on where to find their government sponsored tiny house.
The Good Life – Supported by rivers emanating from the Great Lakes, this region will become the “in” spot to live. People will flock there, settling in newly built tiny homes and live a good life.
The Ok Zone – This zone will have its share of issues like heat and humidity, but it will be Ok to live there as fresh water, and food will be in abundance (Assuming that our leaders follow the Tear away Survivability Playbook™ included later in this book).
The Eastern Sinkboard – is a poor play on words designed to harken back to the theme of global sinking. By 2099, people will live there, only in pockets of high and dry land. This will be especially true in Boston which will literally become a city of islands. The line of the Western side of this region is the “Fall Back Line” where a shift from coastal plains to the high ground of the Piedmont occurs. Global flooding, no matter how bad it gets, cannot go past the fall back line.
The Cold Zone – New England was always cold. Thanks to the breakdown of the Atlantic Current, this area will be habitable but very cold.
The Flooded Hot Zone – This area will be hot, humid and flooded. People will live here in scattered off-grid villages on high ground, eking out a living by fishing and using boats as their only mode of transportation.
The Gone Zones – Needless to say, some regions of the US will either be gone, or not habitable. Because people could not get insurance and because global flooding and the consistent destruction caused by increasingly larger hurricanes, living in this region become untenable.
The Move Here Now State – Alaska is the key to the United States success in its future relocation efforts. Thousands and thousands of tiny homes are trucked in, arranged in small clusters to form quaint ‘utopian’ communities. The climate is still friendly, food and water are readily available, as long as you are working 8 hours a day either in the fields, at the slaughterhouses, or out in the woods hunting and gathering.
Admit it. As crazy as these maps are, you know, deep down, that this is exactly what is going to happen. For decades, Americans have put off confronting these unpleasant climate scenarios. And now, thanks to little ole me, you have now come to terms with the unvarnished, and surprisingly survivable future in America. You are welcome.
[1] By Americans. People from Central and South America will be migrating to these areas of the US – Even if Trump builds his wall.
[2] If you understand the “A-Side” and “B-Side” terminology you are definitely a Baby Boomer. This is a reference to 45 PPM records that were played on “Hi-Fi’s”. The “A-Side” was usually the hit, with the “B-Side” being a really bad song.